Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The world of mortal

A romantic, a miss, who trust in the window, the only people I hope you again, such as in sorrow to never see, CengLi oath for which side. mamiegreen71 livedoor blog
The world of mortals floating dream, dream time and space, and lonely, why the company who is sad, sad song light residual broken sing, ChanXian solo, HeYiCheng ruin.
In time, do you have a weak wipe fragment awaiting perfection, Yun open a memory, the memory of you at the door, which presents a lasting appeal already strong, miss you vaunted gentleness, lofty sentiments, could not bear all the days keep, keep away JunXin like if flow.
Too late, dark star, comfort I I canyue heartache, pale, paper, sharp tip, the solution I I displaced. TaGe and do fragment awaiting perfection, repeatedly, a cloud, a wind, a red, January, a paper, a pen, a man, a world, in the face of busy living, wake up from dream, and leave sad, not language, who long with a world, who who who are sad lock solution? anydjj exblog blog
Even though busy life, a life time, lonely MuRan look back, life, the end must go alone.
Brute force prevails, lonely days, then look back, but the world of mortals, squandered water.

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