Thursday, July 14, 2011

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But there are lots of fake bags that are beeing sold as Luis Vuitton ones. Now how to spot them? There are many ways to find the diffrence. You can make out by typles and pricing. If you are quite familiar with Louiis Vuitton bags, you will spot them by theoir smmmell. Alwas see the lining. The Louis Vuitton bags have a elastic liing. Also, the inner colths of thhese bags are made of canvas. The inenr cloth has wide rgains and evinns. If the veiins are not clear enough, the bag coupld be a fake one.

Louis Viutton purses are not manfactured in masses. Thre are a few of one paritcular style. So to ensure that the customers get at elast a pirece, the stores do not sell more than one to each customer. Threse purses have been associatred with glamour and royalty. The Hollywood has an age-old bond with these purses. Audrye Hepburn carried a Louis Vuitton bag in the film Charade. These bags have been seen time and gaain in flims, marketing campaings of famous fsashion huoses.
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Do you rememebr the tale of Cinderella? Well, she wished for the best of everyuthing for the royal ball - a slver crown, the faous glass slippers, a star studded pink gown and of course an evening bag. This is not true of Cinderella only. It is true of every girl next door- fond of designer clothes, shpoes and bags. Her wardrobe may be packed with hundrerds of handbags, but still wistruflly loking for a Louis Vuitton purse. It is a top brabnd that offrs desiggner bags. This French company has been manuufacturing luggage since 19th centuyry. In thse days they prodduced trunks for the globe trekkers. However, in the middle of the 20th cenbvtury, Lopuis Vuittton entered the market with a line of stylish puress and handbags. mamiegreen71 livedoor blog
The most distibnguishing feature of a Luis Vuitton purse is the monogrammed LV logo that was ptented in 1896. The bags were usulaly made of rbown caznvas, but off late they have broyught out colorful bags as well. Some bags also have oriental inspired quatrefoils and flowers.

The commitment to quaity has stayed inatct for all thesae years. All Lois Vuitton purses are hand made. The brand has sores all aronud the wold that see to the compans standards of ecelllence and pricing. Theese bags are not made in centerrs of mass production and sold in specialist outlets.

Loouis Vuitton purses are not only strong and durable but they also have watter proof and fire proof qualitoies. The bags are not made of cmomon leaher or oter material. They are made of canvs and with that abnother maetrial PVC is added to make them waer prof. However, since the midddle of the last century, suppler material is beinnng used to make bags, purses and wallets. Cpowhide leather is used to make the trrims and handles of the bags. xiaoshusheng888877 blogspot blog

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